Have some Stats


Shortly after 10PM on Sunday night, I finished entering my Dad’s side of the family into my website. The above image shows the Top 30 Surnames from his side of my family tree. The surprising part is that LOVE is the top surname. I used to only have 12 LOVE family members in my family tree. William Wallace LOVE and his 11 children. Now I also have his parents and siblings. I feel very accomplished! I owe it all to the Diner Tree, which gave me a step in the right direction.

Entering the information manually this time gave me a great opportunity to sync the ID numbers between all mediums. Now my Family File (RootsMagic and FTM), my website (TNG), and all my files are organized by the same Person ID number. When I want to find anything having to do with Llewellyn in my photos, I know she’s located under number 0049. This ID number is associated with her in every aspect of my research so there is no confusion later.

I can’t wait to see what the stats are on my Mom’s side once I trim down all the extra families. I really did have an impulse problem when it came to entering people in the beginning. I haven’t decided if I’ll use the old tree as a guideline yet. I think it’s a valuable tool but I did find quite a few errors in it. I just feel better knowing whatever I put up now will be sourced and documented. The Taylor tree is probably the most popular line I have, and it’s also the most incorrect on the internet!

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