Above you can see some of my DNA matches from my recent results. The only 2nd cousin match that shows is a definite match. I know that because I’ve been in touch with the person who administered that test for years now. That actually hits right on the head. If my guess is right (I have to email to be sure), the person she administered the test to was my Grandpa Moore’s first cousin. In that case it would be my first cousin, twice removed. If it’s the second person I suspect, it would be my 2nd cousin, once removed. So either way, I’d say the DNA test pegged that one. The interesting part was seeing the differences in the DNA results between the two of us. I think DNA is just fascinating anyway. It’s becoming a little bit of an addiction for me. Sometimes I find myself saying, “Why didn’t I become a geneticist?” Umm. Yeah. Haha!
You’ll see that I starred the match I already knew and after looking at all the 4th cousin matches, I starred only one more. I starred that one because after looking at that tree, I saw both Quesinberry and Slusher, which I became VERY familiar with in my Family File Cleanup. I haven’t found the link up yet, but again hopefully after an email, I’ll be able to.
I’m really wishing now I had saved enough money to do my parents in addition to me. If I had their results the out of left field matches would be a bit easier to narrow down. Most of the matches also seem to share the Virginia, Ohio, Kentucky areas of trees. Since my father’s family were mainly in New Jersey and New York straight off the boat, I’ve got to assume that these matches are on my mother’s side. Unless of course, there are siblings from my immigrant ancestors who went their own ways. I’m still looking for entry points/time for some of them, William Moore and George Thorward/Yohn being the biggest headaches.
Overall, I think this was a fun and exciting first foray into genetic genealogy. I’ll try and follow up on those leads and see where that takes me. In the meantime, we’ve started saving money for even more DNA tests, because now we’re addicted!