52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks: Favorite Photo (Week 02)

This is a special treat for those that followed along all those years ago when I posted The Diary of Llewellyn for 3 years. Many will recall midway through the Diary, my Great-Grandpa Bill started showing up with his future wife. One of their favorite activities to do was dance.

I miss the Diary entries but I love filling in the gaps like this…

In fact, if you search this blog for “we danced” it comes up more than once!

William and Llewellyn Moore, 1972

This is one of my favorite photos because 50 years later and you can tell she still loved dancing with him!

52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks: Start (Week 01)

Happy New Year!

This new year, I’m hoping to be way more organized than last year. I didn’t do too bad in 2017, but I would really like to stay a little more focused when it comes to writing up my findings or even just sharing information with my family on social media. It feels like I’m sharing the same things all the time with no context.

One cool thing I’m trying to do this year is participating more in writing prompts. 52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks sounds like a fun way to start. I’m sure I won’t be posting all 52 weeks, but as many as I can sounds perfect!

Week 01 Prompt: Start

The first week’s prompt has the vague meaning of Start. When I read this prompt, I immediately thought of my start in genealogy. I was doing an eighth-grade project. I don’t remember the specific project but my mother just happened to mention it to my Grandma Emogene. She was visiting us at the time. What I didn’t realize until that moment was that my Grandmother traveled with a copy of the family tree.

The blue binder is the tree and the white binder is corresponding pictures. I’ve talked about it previously in entries. Reminiscing about the Beginning in 2010, Me in 2011 and Fearless Females: Heirlooms in 2011. It’s possible I talked more about it. After blogging for almost 8 years now it’s hard to keep track.

I know that I’ve disproved much of that beginning paragraph, but the basis of the book, the actual family information is more accurate than I expected. It’s only after this recent Do-Over that I realized it. I hunted down the person titled “Me” in the right side picture. Though I’ve yet to research her.

It’s funny, I even remember a great moment with Grandma. I’ve thought about it a lot over the last year. When we were looking at this book, I saw the three sets of twins that Mollie Jane Webb had and I thought to myself that’s a lot of twins! Grandma looked right at me and said, “Well maybe you or your siblings will have twins someday.” It’s strange to say it but ever since that moment I knew twins were coming to us. I was probably the only person not shocked when my brother and sister-in-law announced they were having twins last year.

Not a bad start to my genealogy at all if you ask me. Thanks for giving me my passion for this Grandma!

Grandma and Grandpa Wayne
Grandma and Grandpa Wayne

Regret Nothing

  1. It is 9:24 PM on Thursday night and I am neck deep in Samuel Redfords.
  2. I deleted my Twitter account months ago because I never used it.
  3. I don’t want to bore my family with Genealogy stuff on my Facebook all the time.
  4. That means I have nowhere to post except for here.
  5. 3 Birth Certificates, multiple possibilities, and still no answers.
  6. I love this stuff.

It’s not my fault

Sometimes when I end up spending a big chunk of my time doing stuff on the computer, I don’t always get things done. It’s like I’ve wasted all that time. I’ve finally chased the cause of this very annoying side effect.

I made a disastrous mistake in putting my computer desk near my window. I don’t know what I was thinking. On any given day I am interrupted by birds, squirrels, stray cats, and even crazy weather. With so much going on outside my window I’m surprised I get anything done. Who can resist squirrels hanging upside down from a canopy trying to eat the bird seed? Certainly not me.

If anyone knows of a cure for this crazy disease, don’t give it to me! The world outside my window is so wonderful. In fact we even bought a table set for our deck so I can enjoy it outside too. Hmm… Genealogy blogging from the deck? Who’s in? 🙂

I promise my blog will get interesting again someday. Remember when I wrote stories about cook books and that Irishman who is going to sweep me off my feet? Those were the days. haha.

The Things I Saw

We’ve had the pleasure of entertaining my cousin and her two energetic little girls this week. They left this morning and the house is eerily silent. I’ve done laundry (not finished), I played with the pictures in Photo Shop. I finally finished that book I was reading. Now I’m going to catch up on here! Sorry for the little absence but I wouldn’t change it for the world.

Yesterday, we took the girls on a day trip to Washington, DC. It’s about 2 hours from our house and yesterday was a very pretty day. We didn’t get to tour the museums. That sounds bad but we ended up walking a total of 5 miles yesterday, so I don’t know where we would have fit museums in! The youngest, she wanted to see the Lincoln Memorial really bad because he’s her favorite coin. Everyone else just enjoyed seeing the sites.


For anyone who wants to visit Washington, DC; I definitely recommend spacing your visit out into multiple days. There is just way too much to see and they are spread out over such a big area. There are plenty of tour buses and shuttles around though if that suits your fancy. We might try one next time. We parked at a parking garage and hoofed it across the street to The Smithsonian Castle, which is pictured to the left. It’s really beautiful with the gardens in bloom. My only wish was that I could have seen the whole place decked out in Cherry Blossoms.

If you want to check out all the different museums at the Smithsonian be sure to check out their website. It’s very informative and they have all kinds of calendars so you can plan around your children’s (or your own!) interests.


Another thing to keep in mind is the season you are visiting in. It was a very warm and sunny day yesterday. So while it was great weather, there was a bit of an issue when we were walking along The Mall without shade for awhile.

When we came up to The Washington Monument, there was a very very very long line. There must have been 20 different school groups near us at any given moment. So maybe going in the earlier part of the school year would have been a better idea. 😉

We did eventually make it to The Lincoln Memorial and The White House (well as close as we could), but I don’t want to overload my blog with pictures right now. Maybe what I’ll do is do some informative posts about all the monuments under my new Category (Local Flavor). I’ve realized that living in such a historic area gives me a responsibility to not take it for granted.


Hopefully over this week I’ll get things all caught back up and I’ll be back on rhythm. I think a Monday through Friday updating schedule works the best. That’s when my free time gels the best for this blogging stuff. I really do enjoy it.

The Smithsonian Institution

The White House

The National Mall

Landmarks in Washington, DC

I might set up a Flickr or Panoramio account to showcase my pictures taken on genealogy trips and trips like this. We’ll see, I get excited. 🙂