Still here

Llewellyn Thorward-Moore, standing in front of flowers. Unknown location. Unknown time, but definitely a time before the internet.

Well, I’m still here, trying to get back into my genealogy research. I’m also dealing with quite a bit of internet downtime. So the frustration level is high. Then I remind myself, there are things you can do while the internet is down.

Internet Free Tasks to Organize my Genealogy

  1. Organize computer files.
  2. Write blog posts, research logs, notes offline.
  3. Read. I’ve amassed quite a few books over the years and they don’t all live on my Kindle. Which yes, I forgot to download all my books to my Kindle before the internet outage… again. 😂

What I’ve Been Up to Lately (Not all can be done without the internet, hence the frustration.)

  1. I’ve been re-entering my genealogy into a new, clean file. Yes just like my Genealogy Do-Over from years ago. Seems things got a little messy during my hiatus. For those who weren’t around then, the Genealogy Do-Over was created by Thomas MacEntee as a guide to restarting your genealogy research and doing it the right way!
  2. Trying to re-organize and fix my website.
  3. Watching a ton of webinars
  4. Identifying places from slides left behind by my Grandpa Moore and his parents. This is probably the next blog post. 🤔

Also. SPAM is still an issue. Not on the blog, I’ve gone ahead and paid for anti-spam there but my database site is being targeted now. Which is frustrating because it’s the part of the site that people most ask me to bring back. It’s been the best way of me sharing the family tree with my family. The great thing is its not spam visible on the website and my Gmail is catching them all and sending them to a spam filter, but I still need to check each one to be sure there are no false positives.

Fun Fact: This post was written offline, so I could only rely on pictures I already have and my own brain to write it. So this is by no means a comprehensive list of offline activities to help your genealogy. Just what I’m telling myself to do while it is down.

If anyone has any ideas of other things I can do while my internet is down or how to deal with the spam. I’m happy to have suggestions. 😂

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